Jean Gnome

Danielle Siembieda, Alter Eco Artist, UCSC OpenLab artist-in-residence

Jean Gnome (2020 – ongoing) is a morpheus personality living inside social networks (Instagram & TikTok) who creates its reality by sharing speculative stories around transhumanism and genomics. As Jean evolves so, will its following, genetic traits and its influence on culture. Fans and followers can request/suggest modifications to Jean’s DNA causing it to mutate. Along the way, engagement insights and metrics will determine the direction of its storyline. Jean will share short narratives assisted with an artificial intelligence creative fiction software OpenAI’s GPT-3. Jean uses its platform to invite celebrity artists, scientists, and some fictional beings to pop in and chat about their work on Instagram Live and collaborate on TikTok videos. Throughout this, Jean’s physical features are seen through augmented facial masks and deep fakes but performed by its artistic creator Danielle Siembieda.

Follow Jean on Instagram @jeangnomeart